Shame, along with sad, anger, fear, disgust and hopelessness, is one of the six negative emotions common to all people, joy being …
Joyful Musings on Colossians 1
Colossians 1:24 is not a verse that I’ve heard a lot of teachings on, but off and on since the late 90’s it has been one that I’ve …
Instilling Maturity in Children
Most conscientious parents desire to help their children grow into maturity. I would like to suggest some topics that may help …
ADDICTIONS: Calming Your Brain When Upset-Part Three
In Part One and Two we talked about the importance of knowing when our relational circuits are on or off and what to do when they …
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Thoughts on the ‘Good-Bad Split’
It has been my observation now and then that many parents feel unsure about discipline. There is fear that they will be too strict …
TRIGGERS:Calming Your Brain When Upset-Part Two
In Part One we looked at how to go to an appreciation memory in order to help us get our relational circuits (RC’s) back on and be …
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