In my last blog I talked about a new book I’m working on which is will be finished in the future. We think the title will be …
Tactics of a Bully–Part One
Bullying is a hot topic these days; we even hear about it in the news. There are playground bullies, work-place bullies, and cyber …
A Look at Grace
For several weeks I have been working on a new book that might not even have my name on it. I’m making a CD into a book because …
Bears and Turtles and Relational Circuits
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to get triggered by corrections or disagreements? This is especially true if we grew up with …
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Freedom From How Shame Shapes Us
Shame, along with sad, anger, fear, disgust and hopelessness, is one of the six negative emotions common to all people, joy being …
Instilling Maturity in Children
Most conscientious parents desire to help their children grow into maturity. I would like to suggest some topics that may help …